אנ״ש ארה״ק
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אנ״ש ארה״ק

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In anticipation of the siyum of the eighth Sefer Torah, written with the help of anash and shluchim as part of international campaign of a “Letter for Every Child”
We beseech all anash who value the Rebbe’s words

Join us! This is matter should be close to every Chossid’s heart!
There are many steep expenses associated with the siyum

“Every child pays only one dollar, while the costs of the certificate and corresponding with each child are closer to two or three dollars. Meaning, there is a deficit of more than $300,000!”
The Rebbe’s letter, 23 Menachem-Av 5741

This institution was very meaningful to the Rebbe
“Everyone should be involved with this as much as they can and even more than they can.”
Sicha of Shabbos Parshas Shelach 5741

Dear Chossid! This is something connected with your soul’s essence!
The Rebbe requests. A Chossid obeys!
“Just by deciding [to get involved], new channels [of blessing] will be opened for you!”
Sicha of Shabbos Parshas Shelach 5741

“This is something important, most essential, so very needed, and absolutely necessary!”
11 Nissan 5742

Emulate the Rebbe:
In 5741 the Rebbe participated in the expenses of the Sefer Torah’s siyum with $1,200
Chassidim contribute as the Rebbe did!

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About the Campaign
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An opportunity to fulfil the Rebbe’s request!

For US Tax Deductible Contribution:
Please use this link


Thank you

In anticipation of the siyum of the eighth Sefer Torah, written with the help of anash and shluchim as part of international campaign of a “Letter for Every Child”
We beseech all anash who value the Rebbe’s words

Join us! This is matter should be close to every Chossid’s heart!
There are many steep expenses associated with the siyum

“Every child pays only one dollar, while the costs of the certificate and corresponding with each child are closer to two or three dollars. Meaning, there is a deficit of more than $300,000!”
The Rebbe’s letter, 23 Menachem-Av 5741

This institution was very meaningful to the Rebbe
“Everyone should be involved with this as much as they can and even more than they can.”
Sicha of Shabbos Parshas Shelach 5741

Dear Chossid! This is something connected with your soul’s essence!
The Rebbe requests. A Chossid obeys!
“Just by deciding [to get involved], new channels [of blessing] will be opened for you!”
Sicha of Shabbos Parshas Shelach 5741

“This is something important, most essential, so very needed, and absolutely necessary!”
11 Nissan 5742

Emulate the Rebbe:
In 5741 the Rebbe participated in the expenses of the Sefer Torah’s siyum with $1,200
Chassidim contribute as the Rebbe did!

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אנ״ש ארה״ק