הרצל ואפרת מימון
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הרצל ואפרת מימון

The existence of Nachalat Har Chabad Community Centre of Purity, its Mikvah, hangs in the balance.
The Community Centre for Purity, which is the foundation of the community’s existence, is currently in such a state of disrepair that it is almost foreclosed. If we don’t rally now, the Centre will be shut down, G-d forbid. We cannot wait any longer!
The Centre desperately requires renovation from the ground up and overall upgrading, and it needs to be done now!
The Mikvah was founded within the community under the direct leadership and specific instruction of the Rebbe. The result of this is the quality of the people residing within the community and also its growth to over 1300 families.
Over the years, next to nothing was done to improve the conditions in the Mikvah, despite the needs of the growing community.
If we do not rally immediately, this historic Centre will shut down and the results will be catastrophic. The decision is in our hands: to renovate and upgrade the Mikvah or to allow it to fall further into disrepair and be closed down.
Additionally, the Men’s Mikvah that was under construction has been stopped at the stage of framework for many months and there are no funds to bring it to completion.
These two Centres for Purity, founded by the Rebbe, hang in the balance.
You will determine their future!

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Nachla is rising in purity

The existence of Nachalat Har Chabad Community Centre of Purity, its Mikvah, hangs in the balance.
The Community Centre for Purity, which is the foundation of the community’s existence, is currently in such a state of disrepair that it is almost foreclosed. If we don’t rally now, the Centre will be shut down, G-d forbid. We cannot wait any longer!
The Centre desperately requires renovation from the ground up and overall upgrading, and it needs to be done now!
The Mikvah was founded within the community under the direct leadership and specific instruction of the Rebbe. The result of this is the quality of the people residing within the community and also its growth to over 1300 families.
Over the years, next to nothing was done to improve the conditions in the Mikvah, despite the needs of the growing community.
If we do not rally immediately, this historic Centre will shut down and the results will be catastrophic. The decision is in our hands: to renovate and upgrade the Mikvah or to allow it to fall further into disrepair and be closed down.
Additionally, the Men’s Mikvah that was under construction has been stopped at the stage of framework for many months and there are no funds to bring it to completion.
These two Centres for Purity, founded by the Rebbe, hang in the balance.
You will determine their future!

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ישעיהו איזקוביץ
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שאול ואסנת בן שחר
לזכות שאול ואסנת וכל יוצ\\\"ח, ולאריכות ימים ושנים טובות מתוך בריאות איתנה, נחת יהודי חסידי , שידוכים הגונים וכל טוב סלה
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יוסף בירן
לרפואת והצלחת יוסף בן מרגלית
רבקי סגל
לזכות ולע"נ אם המלכות הרבנית הצדקנית חנה בת הרה"ח מאיר שלומה ע"ה
שמוליק ודבורי הרוש
חנה שירה וחיה מושקע בריאות והצלחה
הרצל ואפרת מימון